QuiCR (kwikr) v.t. The act of using crowds to provide instant responses on your service or product.

How does QuiCR-QR work?

We place a specially encoded QR code at each location you want a customer to report on. This QR code can be read by any mobile device with a camera and QR Code reader. Once a user scans the code, they select from a list of issues you have defined and hit submit. 3 steps to instant feedback.

With QuiCR, your customers, the people that are most important to your business, can provide immediate feedback to you. Right now this feedback can be sent via email to you. Soon, we will offer the ability to provide feedback directly to you via SMS, Twitter or if you already have it, your ticketing system.

We can report issues at a general level, say a particular restaurant, store, bus or the like. Or we can drill down to a specific table at your restaurant, or seat on the train. We can customize our application to meet your needs.

In addition, while we have a basic set of issues geared for various industries, we can add issues specific to YOUR business. Just ask!

Not only can we provide instant feedback, we can customize it to your needs. Do you want issues from 9-5 on weekdays sent to one account and at other times all issues sent to another account? We can do that. Do you want to send issues to multiple accounts, we can do that also!

If a particular issue is reported enough times, we can escalate issues to a manager or higher. This is perfect for finding out which issues aren't getting the attention they deserve. (Note: Corporations, keep track of your franchises this way!)

Soon, we'll be adding custom reporting as an additional service. If you don't currently have a ticketing system, or it's not giving you the information you deserve to get, we can help you get that information. Find out how many lightbulbs are burning out each month (perhaps time to change vendors and save money on replacing them) or find out which wait-staff are not providing the level of service you desire so you can coach them to improve. Or find out the things you're doing right, so you can do those things even better. We expect custom reporting to be available in the next 6 months.

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